
Current research
Scientific - research work of the department "Innovative technologies of the life cycle of construction objects" (state registration number 0121U109832), implementation period 2021 - 2023.

Past research
"Scientifically - practical principles of designing autonomous eco-buildings according to the concept of "Triple Zero" (state registration number 0117U006728). Head of work Babenko M.M.

"Scientific foundations of the creation of construction and agricultural clusters with a closed cycle of material and energy flows" (state registration number 0117U000367). Head of work Savytskyi M.V.

"Development of the scientific foundations of an innovative architectural-constructive-technological construction system using the 3D printing method" (state registration number 0119U100608). Head of work Savytskyi M.V.

"Innovative structures and materials for the construction of buildings and structures" (state registration number 0116U006046). Head of work Nikiforova T.D.

"Scientifically - practical principles of designing autonomous eco-buildings according to the concept of "Triple Zero" (state registration number 0117U006728). Head of work Babenko M.M.

"Scientific foundations of the creation of construction and agricultural clusters with a closed cycle of material and energy flows" (state registration number 0119U100608). Head of work Savytskyi M.V.

"Innovative structures and materials for the construction of buildings and structures" (state registration number 0116U006046). Head of work Nikiforova T.D.

Budgetary scientific and research work of the department "Development of scientific foundations of construction technologies for the creation of a residential module of the lunar base" (state registration number 0121U109794), implementation period 2021-2022.

Utility model patent No. 145979 Device for examining chimneys. Publication 13.01.2021 Bull. No. 2 on the state registration of a patent of Ukraine for a utility model Inventors: Shatov S.V., Papirnyk R.B., Tytyuk A.O., Tytyuk A.A.

Budgetary scientific and research work of the department "Development of scientific foundations of construction technologies for the creation of a residential module of the lunar base" (state registration number 0121U109794), implementation period 2021-2022.
