Faculty of civil engineering and ecology
Specialty: 193. Geodesy and Land management
Educational professional program: Geodesy and Land management
Due to the acquired excellent knowledge, graduates of the educational and professional program "Geodesy and land management" work as legislators, senior civil servants, heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations in institutions of state, territorial and administrative systems and the business sector, and are engaged in administrative and management activities.
ЄВІ, ЄФВВ, фахові іспити
For those who enter from unrelated specialties, an additional exam is mandatory.
Що я буду вивчати?
Основні дисципліни, які складають професійну підготовку
- Municipal geoinformation systems;
- Land information systems;
- Management of land resources and land assessment;
- Geodetic works in land management;
- Geodetic methods of cadastral surveys;
- Legislative provision of cadastre management and cadastral activity;
- Sustainable development of rural areas, cities and real estate development.
Основні задачі, які зможе вирішувати випускник в майбутньому
- Management and state control over the rational use of land resources;
- Use of geoinformation systems and technologies in land management;
- Keeping the state land, water, forest, urban cadastre;
- Performing work on state registration of land plots;
- Monetary valuation of land plots, evaluation and monitoring of land;
- Compilation of topographic maps and plans of areas of the area.
Де я зможу працювати?
Основні посади, на яких можна працювати після закінчення навчання
- Land surveying engineer, surveying engineer.
- Cartographer and topographer.
- Manager in the field of real estate operations.
- Specialist in remote sensing of the earth and aerospace monitoring, photogrammetrist.
Основні місця роботи, де можна працювати після закінчення навчання
- State service and regional centers of the state land cadastre;
- State enterprises of the "Research and Design Institute of Land Management";
- Geodetic and land management enterprises;
- State inspection services for protection and rational use of land;
- State registration of real estate.