Speciality: 192. Construction and Civil engineering
Study program: Industrial and Civil engineering
We train professionals who work in different fields such as design, construction and operation, reconstruction and restoration of industrial, civil and public buildings. The skilled and enthusiastic staff of the faculty, many of whom are simultaneously representatives of business activities and nonprofit organizations, state authorities, provide students with the opportunity to get excellent theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Having graduated from the speciality, you will become competitive professionals, in demand and, and will be able to apply their knowledge in various areas of public and private construction.
Перелік сертифікатів НМТ та вступних випробувань
для вступу на освітню програму
Ukrainian language and literature
Physics or Foreign Language
Що я буду вивчати?

Основні дисципліни, які складають професійну підготовку
- Strength of materials and construction mechanics;
- Architecture of buildings and structures;
- Construction material science;
- Fundamentals of soil mechanics and foundations;
- Construction machinery;
- Building constructions: reinforced concrete and stone structures, metal structures, footings and foundations;
- Construction Technology;
- Organization of construction;
- Automated design system in construction.
Основні задачі, які зможе вирішувати випускник в майбутньому
- Development of draft, technical and detailed projects of objects using automated designing tools;
- Calculation of building structures, engineering equipment systems of residential and industrial buildings and structures;
- Research and diagnostics of the state of buildings and structures;
- Supervision over the whole construction process;
- Planning, organization and management of construction;
- Development of project-budget documentation
- Development of technological maps of construction processes.

Де я зможу працювати?

Основні посади, на яких можна працювати після закінчення навчання
- Design engineer;
- Building designer;
- Engineer for technical control of the enterprise;
- Construction site supervisor;
- Engineer, Foreman;
- Manager in a construction organization;
- Construction estimator ;
- Chief of Production Department.
Основні місця роботи, де можна працювати після закінчення навчання
- Construction organizations;
- Design and development organizations;
- Enterprises of the production of building materials, products and structures;
- Housing and communal services enterprises;
- Governmental and local authorities;
- Research institutes and laboratories.