To bring replicability of seeds innovative solutions in ukrainian building sector

In the frame of Horizon project SEEDS https://project-seeds.eu/ there has been hold consortium meeting in Bruges. PSACEA has been successfully represented by prof. Oksana Zinkevych. Our role in the project is to bring replicability of SEEDS (https://project-seeds.eu) innovative solutions in Ukrainian building sector. We would like to thank the coordinator of the project for great organization and support Danmarks Tekniske Universitet – DTU.
Additionally, we appreciate constant support of our reliable partner from Greece Kostas Arvanitis (https://www.facebook.com/kostas.arvanitis.gr) Looking forward to further cooperation.
#інновації #будівництво #Горизонт2020 #міжнароднеспівробітництво #українськийсектор #сталебудівництво #SEEDSпроєкт #екологія #партнерство #Бельгія #Греція #PSACEA #ПГАСА
#innovation #Horizon2020 #sustainability #SEEDSproject #construction #buildingsector #partnership #internationalcooperation #Ukraine #Belgium #Greece #greenbuilding #PSACEA