Словацька Академія Наук пропонує відкриту вакансію на PhD навчання

До уваги випускників спеціальності 132 «Матеріалознавство»!
Інститут Матеріалів і Механіки Машин Словацької Академії Наук пропонує відкриту вакансію на PhD навчання (аспірантура) за фахом «Прогресивні Матеріали і Дизайн Матеріалів» і / або «Технології машинобудування та матеріали». Тема пропонованої дисертації «Вплив водню на характер деформації і руйнування високоентропійних сплавів». Doctoral student (PhD) positions in Materials Science – “Effect of hydrogen on deformation behaviour and fracture of complex concentrated alloys”
Для більш детальної інформації натисніть тут.
Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (http://www.umms.sav.sk/en/) performs basic and applied research oriented to the development of advanced metallic materials by modern technologies, such as pressure infiltration, plasma spraying, unidirectional solidification of eutectics, deposition methods with pressing, powder metallurgy, etc. The physical and mechanical properties are studied on the basis of knowledge of materials structure laws. Machine mechanics deals with the research of modelling of elastic and plastic continua, theory of noise and vibration control, acoustoelasticity, dynamic analysis of machine aggregates, and fatigue endurance of constructions.
Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences provides PhD education in collaboration with the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava – Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Bratislava.
The Division of Properties of Materials and Structures of the Institute combines experiment and theory in the area of materials science, microstructure characterisation, destructive and non-destructive testing of materials, analytical and numerical modelling of structure-property relationships, which allow to design and prepare new materials for various structural applications.
Description of the position:
Hydrogen is a key priority of the European strategy for clean energy and metallic materials are a key pillar of expected technical solutions and innovations in its production, storage, distribution and end-use. PhD thesis will be focused on investigating the influence of hydrogen on the deformation behaviour and fracture of Co-Cr-Fe-Ni type complex concentrated alloys (CCA). The PhD student will participate in the metallurgical preparation of alloys with the required chemical composition, characterization of their microstructure and investigation of the effect of hydrogen on their deformation behaviour at room and low temperatures. He/she will investigate the deformation behaviour of CCA during tensile, compressive, fracture toughness and impact fracture toughness tests. Using the finite element method and the ANSYS program, he/she will simulate the deformation behaviour of the investigated CCAs, determine the critical local stresses and critical local deformations needed for crack initiation and propagation. Numerical calculations will be verified experimentally.
- Completed master’s degree in materials science, physical metallurgy or engineering technologies or related subjects
- In depth knowledge in materials science
- Knowledge of applied mechanics
- Knowledge of mechanical testing of materials
- Knowledge of numerical calculation methods
- Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team
- Basic laboratory experimental skills
- Good verbal and written communication skills in English
What we offer:
- A full-time PhD position for three/four years (depending on the study program)
- Competitive scholarship
- Internal and external training programs for PhD students
- Special support program for young scientists
- Family-friendly workplace
- Flexible working hours
- Pay during sick leave
- 45 days paid annual leave
How to apply?
Please submit your application by email to the: juraj.lapin@savba.sk. Please note that we only consider your application after you provide us with all requested information. The following documents must be provided:
- Curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages)
- List of peer-reviewed publications (optional)
- Letter of Motivation (1/2 page)
- Copy of your diploma
Application deadline:
July 12, 2021
We will be glad to answer any specific questions you may have. Please get in touch by email to Dr. Juraj Lapin, DrSc. juraj.lapin@savba.sk or to Dr. Kateryna Kamyshnykova kateryna.kamyshnykova@savba.sk