Jean Monnet Module
European practices on Green Deal:
lessons for Ukraine
Project 101085133 — EUGREEN

This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Doctor of Economic Sciences (specialty 08.00.05 – development of productive forces and regional economy), professor, Head of Department of International Economy and Public Management and Administration. She has an honorary title “Honored Education Worker of Ukraine”.
In the context of the development of the green economy, she teaches the courses “Research of socio-economic systems", "Social responsibility", "Sustainable development and green economy".
The circle of scientific interests concerns the sustainable ecological development of countries and regions; economic globalization and European integration; green economy and green construction; circular and low-carbon economy.
As part of the Erasmus+ project, J. Monet will teach the educational module "EU Policy on Green Economy and Innovation" (lectures).


Doctor of Technical Sciences (21.06.01 – ecological safety), associate professor, Head of Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection.
In the context of the sustainable development, she teaches the courses "Assessment of the environment impact", "Ecological risk of waste using".
A leading scientist on the ecological safety of technogenically burdened urban ecosystems. The circle of scientific interests concerns the phytoremedial measures for adaptation to climate changes in technogenically burdened regions, the ecological monitoring system of pollution of urban soils by dangerous metal compounds with further development of methods for their detoxification and restoration of ecological functions by creating sustainable phytocenoses.
As part of the Erasmus+ project, J. Monet will teach the educational module "EU Adaptation to Climate Change and Sustainable Urban Ecosystems".

Veronika CHALA

PhD in Economics (specialty 08.00.02 - world economy and international economic relations), associate professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Economy and Public Management and Administration, PSACEA.
Post-doctoral researcher at the Kyiv National Economic University; the topic of the post-doctoral dissertation: "Global imperatives and business models for the development of the green economy". The circle of scientific interests also concerns the creative economy, European economic policies, the economy of metropolises and the development of global cities.
As part of the Erasmus+ J. Monet project, will teach the unit "European investment practices of green building" (lectures).


3rd-year postgraduate student of the "Economics" specialty (dissertation topic "Strategy for the development of the green economy in Ukraine in the context of European integration"), assistant of the department of International Economy and Public Management and Administration..
In the context of the development of the green economy, teaches the disciplines "Sustainable environmentally friendly development of regions", "EU policy on the green economy and innovations", "European practice of investing in green construction"
The circle of scientific interests concerns the sustainable ecological development of countries and regions; economic globalization , European integration and green economy
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project, J. Monet will teach the educational module "EU Policy on Green Economy and Innovation" (case studies), "European Green Building Investment Practices" (seminar classes, case studies).
