International cooperation

Wiższa Szkola Inżynierii Gospodarki w Slupsku, Respublika Polska
There is a program for the protection of a double diploma in the specialty «Geodesy and land management» on the basis of the agreement on scientific and technical cooperation. Students go to a summer school in Poland, where they work during the vacation, learn Polish and receive certificates in the Polish language.

Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft) Netherland
D.Sc. Yuriy Kirichek, Professor of the department of Roads, Geodesy and Land Management at Pridniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (PSACEA) worked as Researcher of Section Dynamics of Solids and Structures in Department of Engineering Structures of Delft University of Technology which studies civil engineering structures and infrastructure with aim to develop resilient, smart and sustainable (infra) structures to meet the societal demands in transportation, energy transition and sustainable reuse.

National Research programme PAUSE, Ecole Centrale de Lyon-ENISE, 36 avenue Guy de Collongue, Ecully, France
Ph.D. Yuliia Balashova, Associate Professor of the department of Roads, Geodesy and Land Management at Pridniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (PSACEA) worked with the Civil Engineering group in the Tribology and System Dynamics Laboratry (LTDS) at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon-ENISE. The topic of research is "Increasing the stability of weak foundations of road surface with the help of polymers".
