Safety in various spheres of human life and Occupational Health

Anatolii BELIKOV
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Life Safety Department of the PSACEA, full member of the International Academy of Ecological Sciences and Safety of Life, of International Science Academy of Nontraditional Technologies, of Academy of Civil Engineering of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the International Engineering Academy, Forensic Technical Expert on Occupational Health and Safety life and fire safety of the Justice Ministry of Ukraine, member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission on Safety of Life and civil protection and Labor Protection of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, member of the Commission on Occupational Health, Safety of Life and Fire Safety of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Honorary Professor in the field of science.
Over the past 10 years:
- 17 monographs
- 42 textbooks and 300 tutorials
- more than 1000 scientific articles
- 12 normative documents
- 107 copyright certificates and patents for invention
Supervised for all time:
- 52 Candidates of Sciences
Areas of research:
Fundamental and engineering research in the following areas:
- assessment of the fire hazard of objects and consequences of fires of buildings and structures;
- reduction of flammability and increasing of fire resistance of building structures due to application of fire protection coatings;
- raising the radiation quality of residential buildings and ways of achieving it;
- safety during execution of special construction works of high-rise fitters;
- increased safety during emergency rescue operations in extreme situations;
- assessment of the safety of life in the event of extreme conditions (fires, accidents, natural disasters);
- prevention of injuries and occupational diseases in the conditions of production;
risk assessment and development of effective measures in the conditions of radiation hazard on the territory of the former uranium production "Radon";
- conducting forensic examinations in the event of emergencies in emergencies.
- safety of life in conditions of negative influence (noise, radiation, infrared radiation);
Scientific achievements:
- engineering methods of estimation of fire resistance and increase of fire resistance of wooden and metal structures with flame retardant are developed;
- scientific and practical substantiation of efficiency of application of fire protection coatings;
- recommendations on radiation safety and protection against the negative effects of noise are the basis for the development of the “Concept of development of the city Dnipropetrovsk”. Analysis of the ecological situation during the reconstruction of the housing stock of five-story houses of the first massive building series (GLAVAPU);
- the training complex and worked out methods of professional training of high-level fitters for special works in extreme situations of Sevastopol were developed and implemented;
- the emergency-rescue complex ASK-MF was developed and technical support for its use with the mini-complex МК1 was created.