


Contacts and CV

Expertise Summary

Design of structures using 3D printing technology, development and improvement of design solutions for resource-efficient structures, design of energy-efficient structures.


1. BIM energy analysis of a house with double windows / Sopilniak A.M., Kolokhov V.V., Yarova T.P., Sereda S.Yu., Sirenok K.O., Dunda V.V. // Ukrainian Journal of Construction and Architecture. – D.: PDABA, 2021. – No. 3. – P. 107-115. URL:

2. Перспективи розвитку трансферу ВІМ технологій у будівництві[Perspektyvy rozvytku transferu BIM tekhnolohii u budivnytstvi]./Бабенко В.А., Сіренок К.О.// Питання інтелектуальної власності у сфері трансферу технологій: збірн. наук. прац. ІV Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф.-семін. з пробл. екон. інтел. власн., 21 травн. 2021р., Київ : Науково-дослідний інститут інтелектуальної власності НАПрН України, 2021. С.47-58


1. Basics of BIM technologies
The course is aimed at acquiring the skills of problem-solving algorithmization, practical knowledge and skills in using the REVIT computer program, the formation and improvement of students' professional skills necessary for information modeling of building structures.

2. Computer modeling of buildings
The course is aimed at providing students with the skills and abilities of computer modeling of non-linear behavior of reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures, calculations for dynamic effects, as well as calculation of the structure together with the soil massif.
