Scientific profile

Candidate of Technical Science (05.26.01 – labor protection, 2009) Associate Professor (2011)
Contacts and CV
Current research
State Scientific Theme No 0124U001896 «Occupational safety, industrial, civil and environmental safety in various spheres of human activity» (registration date 17.02.2024). Position - member of the group, responsible executor. (research period 2024-2026)
Past research
State Scientific Theme No 0116U006038 «Protection of human labor under the influence of dangerous and harmful factors of the production environment. Safety of human activities in the event of natural and anthropogenic environmental emergencies» (registration date 27.12.2015)/ Position - member of the group, responsible executor. (research period 2016-2020)
State Scientific Theme No 0120U105444 «Safety in various spheres of human life and labor protection» (registration date 14.12.2020). Position - member of the group, responsible executor. (research period 2021-2023)
Expertise Summary
Labor protection, reconstruction completed and constructed, economic mechanisms for improving working conditions at enterprises
1. Belikov A., Ostapov K., Kirichenko I., Senchykhin Y., Syrovyi V., Vorontsova D., Karasev A., Klymenko H., Rybalka E. Improvement of the installation with an extended barrel of cranked type used for fire extinguishing by gel-forming compositions (2019) / Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 4/10 (100) 2019
2. Anna Klymenko, Aleksey Karasyov, Leonid Dydenko, Ekateryna Rybalka Investigation of factors affecting the safety of work in trenches and pits during the reconstruction of engineering networks (2019) / /Proceedings of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference «International Trends in Science and Technology», Vol. 2, June 30, 2019, Warsaw, Poland, 2019. – С. 44 – 47.
3. Pylypenko O, Karasev O, Rybalka K, Kreknin K. Radiation safety status in the housing estate Peremoha-2 in Dnipro City (2021) Materials II-th International scientific and practical conference: International trends in science and technology (Hungary, Budapest, November, 2021) / The scientific heritage – Technical sciences №78 (78) (2021), Vol.1, 2021р. 29-34 page. ISSN 9215-0365 THE SCIENTIFIC HERITAGE. DOI: https://
4. Діденко Л. М., Рибалка К. А. До питання обстеження та експертизи м’яких покрівель (2021). Український журнал будівництва та архітектури : Н.- п. журнал. – Дніпро: Придніпр. держ. акад. буд-ва та архітектури, 2021. – Вып. 1. – С. 65-72. DOI:
5. Калда Г., Бєліков А., Соколан Ю., Рибалка К. Соціально-економічна та психологічна оцінка умов праці на виробництві (2021). Український журнал будівництва та архітектури : Н.- п. журнал. – Дніпро: Придніпр. держ. акад. буд-ва та архітектури, 2021. – Вып. 2. – С. 72-79. DOI:
6. Oleksandr Pylypenko, Karasev Alexey, Katerina Rybalka, Taras Dubov. Further studies of radiation parameters on the microdistrict Peremoha-6 (2022) Scholarly Publisher RS Global World Science 2(74), 2022, RS Global Sp.z O.O., Warsaw, Poland. P. 1–6. DOI: https://
7. Калда Г. С., Соколан Ю. С., Рибалка К. А., Боричко К. Перспективи розвитку альтернативної енергетики в Україні (2023). Український журнал будівництва та архітектури : Н.- п. журнал. – Дніпро: Придніпр. держ. акад. буд-ва та архітектури, 2023. – №2(014) березень-квітень. – c. 48 – 55 . ISSN 2710-0367 (print), ISSN 2710-0375 (online) УДК 697.1:621.178:697.34 DOI:10.30838/J.BPSACEA.2312.250423.29.927
8. Діденко Леонід, Рибалка Катерина Оцінка безпеки праці при переплануванні житлових будівель шляхом улаштування отворів в стінах приміщень (2023).Scientific Collection «InterConf», (150): with the Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern Directions and Movements in Science» (April 16-18, 2023 – Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by the SPC «InterConf». Progress Publishers, 2023. 586 p., . P. 560-567. ISBN 978-2-87996-927-5 (series)
9. Пилипенко Олександр, Саньков Петро, Рагімов Сергій, Рибалка Катерина, Карасьов Геннадій. Аналіз характеристик великих дистанційно керованих наземних апаратів для проведення моніторингових досліджень на хвостосховищах колишнього уранового виробництва ВО «ПХЗ» (2023) The 13th International scientific and practical conference “Information activity as a component of science development” (April 04 – 07, 2023) Edmonton, Canada. International Science Group. 2023. 580 p. Р. 545-557. DOI – 10.46299 /ISG.2023.1.13. URL:
10. Діденко Л.М., Папірник Р.Б., Рибалка К.А., Клименко Г.О., Пилипенко О.В. Охорона праці при реконструкції та капітальному ремонті промислових підприємств (2024) / Підручник для фахівців будівельної галузі і студентів будівельних спеціальностей – ISBN 978-966-934-533-2, Дніпро: Журфонд, 2024р. – 220с.
1. Economic aspects of labor safety and technogenic safety
The course is study of key terms in the economics of labor protection, taking into account international standards; studying the basic principles of organization and management efficiency at the enterprise level; the ability to evaluate the socio-economic efficiency of labor protection costs, to navigate in social and political life; the ability to determine the extent of damages from the consequences of man-made emergencies caused to people's health and objects of the national economy..
2. Labor protection and civil protection
The ability to effectively solve the tasks of professional activity with mandatory consideration of occupational health and safety requirements and guaranteeing the safety of life, health and work capacity of employees in various areas of professional activity also requires students to master the latest theories, methods and technologies for forecasting emergency situations (ES), building models their development, determination of the level of risk and substantiation of a set of measures aimed at averting emergencies, protecting personnel, population, material and cultural values in the conditions of emergencies, localization and liquidation of their consequences.
3. Safe operation constructions and builts
The course is compliance with modern requirements regarding the general patterns of the occurrence of dangerous and harmful production factors during the operation of buildings and structures, their possible impact on the life and health of persons permanently and temporarily staying at construction sites, the formation of the necessary knowledge in the future practical activity of a specialist, the acquisition of skills and abilities regarding ensuring the safety of the operation of buildings and structures.
4. Labor safety during reconstruction constructions and builts
The course is safe methods of performing work during strengthening, dismantling, reconstruction of buildings; to give an assessment of the technical condition of the frame structures of operated industrial buildings and structures; propose a set of measures and means aimed at preserving the health and working capacity of a person in the process of implementing technological processes of reconstruction of existing buildings and structures in connection with their moral or physical wear and tear..
5. Natural and technogenic threats, hazard assessment
The course is effectively solve the tasks of professional activity based on the analysis of sources and the monitoring system of threats of natural and technogenic origin, orientate in the methods of forecasting the consequences of emergency situations and be able to assess hazards.