
Candidate of Science (History), Associate Professor,
Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific Work


Contacts and CV


Current research
Work on dissertation research to obtain a scientific degree of doctor of philosophy 032 (History and archeology).in formulation as “War art of Europe and Ukraine of the end 16 and beginning of 17 centuries”

Past research


1. Intellectual Property
The development of creative thinking, the study of the basics of intellectual property law, its legal framework is the most important factor in the success of a specialist in any field of the digital, information society;
Motivational factors: formation of self-understanding as a creative personality who can of create the results of creative activity of one's intellectual property; obtaining a set of knowledge on the legal aspects of protection and protection of intellectual property in accordance with the specifics of the direction profession.
The course is taught to students of all educational programs and faculties. It is the second level of higher education (master). The language of teaching is Uurainian. Types of educational classes is interactive lectures with use of the case method.
Types of self work is performance of practical creative tasks, situational tasks and practical cases, participation in student scientific and practical conferences, preparation of presentations. Writing abstracts, theses and scientific articles on various aspects of intellectual property on the subject of diploma . The type of semester control is credit.
The study of the discipline "Intellectual property" is based on the idea of personally-oriented competent development of the student and is aimed at the formation of competencies in intellectual property law, which give the future specialist the opportunity clearly to define the criteria for future success, which are necessary for successful competition in the intellectual economy as knowledge economy.
