
Candidate of Technical Science (05.26.01 – labor protection, 2022)


Contacts and CV


Current research
State Scientific Theme «Labor protection, industrial, civil and environmental safety in various spheres of human activity» (registration date 15.12.2023), Contribution – «Workplace ergonomics». Function – team member, responsible executor.

Past research
State Scientific Theme No 0116U006038 «labor protection the people when unsafe and wasteful factors of the global environment are pouring into them. Security of human life in the face of extreme situations of the natural and anthropogenic environment". Function – team member, responsible executor.

State Scientific Theme No 0120U105444 «Safety in various spheres of human life and labor protection», Contribution – «Investigation of microclimate conditions during the operation of buildings and structures, their reconstruction and in case of emergencies». Function – team member, responsible executor.

Expertise Summary

Safety; Technogenic safety; Labor protection; Tribology.


1. Matsuk Z. N., Bunko T. V., Belikov A. S., Shalomov V. A. Regularities of safe control of piston compressor units of mobile compressor stations. Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2021. № 2. P. 76–81. DOI: 10.33271/nvngu/2021-2

2. Belikov A., Kreknin K., Matsuk Z., Protsiv V., Lubricants for rail transport liquid(plastic) for friction pair «wheel-rail». Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2022. № 1. P. 63–68. DOI: 10.33271/nvngu/2022-1/063

3. Belikov A. S., Matsuk Z. N., Shalomov V. A., Kharchenko V.V. Іmproving safety of rolling stock through a risk-based approach to «managing friction» іn «wheel-rail» friction pair. 2023. Railway transport of Ukrein. № 3(148). P. 23–37. DOI: 10.34029/2311-4061-2023-148-3-23-36

4. Belikov A. S., Matsuk Z. N., Todorov О.P., Kharchenko V.V. Riskology of safety. 2024. Ukrainian Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture № 1(19). P. 17–26.   DOI: 10.30838/J.BPSACEA.2312.270224.17.1019…


1. Safety of potentially hazardous technologies and productions
The course is aimed at providing knowledge about man-made hazards that arise as a result of man-made emergencies and emergencies at high-risk facilities; the student must learn to predict consequences; to learn how to develop measures to prevent emergency situations (accidents) in order to prevent them or minimize their consequences.

2. Emergency rescue, engineering, and fire-fighting equipment
The course is aimed at forming in students the ability to think creatively, to solve complex problems of ensuring chemical, radiation, man-made and fire safety during emergency and rescue operations in extreme conditions, to learn to make independent productive decisions in the field of using special means, tools and equipment based on international experience and state requirements for technological and fire safety to achieve the highest possible level of man-made safety.

3. Life safety and technogenic safety
The course is aimed at forming the acquirers of skills, knowledge, competences for carrying out professional activities in their specialty, taking into account the risk of threats to human life (humanity), human activity, man-made accidents and natural hazards that can cause emergency situations and lead to other negative consequences. Formation in students of a broad outlook based on thorough knowledge of life safety, man-made safety, and their theoretical foundations. Formation of the acquirers of knowledge on issues of rational and safe resource use. Formation of students' safety culture, responsibility for personal and collective safety, taking into account the legal basis of life safety (man-made safety). Students' acquisition of practical life safety skills (technological safety).

4. Metrological and regulatory support for labor protection
The course is aimed at assimilating knowledge and acquiring the necessary competencies:
- for the creative solution of problems related to obtaining information about the level of dangerous and harmful factors with the aim of forming safe and harmless existing and prospective conditions of the human life environment;
- for the design and development of new equipment and technologies that exclude negative impact on people and the environment.
- to measure information signals of dangerous and harmful production factors, forming working conditions and human life activities, with the aim of assessing the level of these factors, analyzing the existing and planned (prospective) conditions of the human habitat for the purposes of ensuring the safety of his life activities.
