
PhD (Arch.), Docent, Professor


Contacts and CV


Current research
"Ecological and urban planning features of the transformation of elements of the planning structure of a large city taking into account the revitalization of industrial territories (on the example of the city of Dnipro)" (2021-2023, State Registration № 9121U111374). Section: "Systemic aspects of ecological and urban transformations of the Dnipro framework."

Development of scientific bases of building technologies for creation of a living module of the Moon base (2021-2022, State Registration № 0121U109794).

Past research
"Development of architectural and urban planning methods of environmentalization of settlements, buildings and structures in the conditions of the post-industrial Dnieper region" (2016-2020, № 0116U006044). Section: "Periodic system of urban structures".

Expertise Summary

Rational design of objects of architecture and urban planning, development and improvement of design solutions of resource-saving and ecologically clean buildings, "green" construction, sustainable development in construction. The basics of the formation of an architectural and urban environment during the creation of objects on Earth and other planets. Theory of architectural and urban planning ecometry; the theory of morphonoglyphology in eco-architecture and eco-city planning; the theory of planning interferometry in eco-architecture and eco-city planning; the theory of urban planning; the theory of symbiotic eco-architecture and urban planning; the theory of multidimensional eco-architecture and town planning; the theory of architectural and urban mandalology and mandorlology; the theory of architectural and town-planning transconversion and trialecticity; theory of aerial eco-architecture and urban planning.


1. Vorobyov V. V., Shilo O. S. Eco-friendly city and ecological city: similarities and differences. Ukrainian Journal of Construction and Architecture. No. 3 (003), May – June 2021. – P.62-75. DOI: 10.30838/J.BPSACEA.2312.010721.62.768

2. Vorobyov V. V., Shilo O. S. Terraforming of the Moon and Mars: basic principles. – Ukrainian Journal of Construction and Architecture. No. 4 (004), July-August 2021. – P. 24-35. DOI: 10.30838/J.BPSACEA.2312.310821.24.787

3. Vorobyov V. V., Shilo O. S. Typology of approaches to the architectural organization of lunar settlements. Ukrainian Journal of Construction and Architecture. No. 5 (005), September-October 2021. – P. 15 – 33. DOI: 10.30838/J.BPSACEA.2312.261021.15.797

4. Vorobyov V. V., Shilo O. S. Architectural aspects of the formation of mounded complexes suitable for life on the Moon. Ukrainian Journal of Construction and Architecture. – 2021. – No. 6. – P. 30-46. DOI:

5. Vorobyov V. V., Shilo O. S. Features of the stylistic combination of old and new architecture in the conditions of the post-war reconstruction of Ukrainian cities. – Ukrainian Journal of Construction and Architecture. No. 2, 2022. – P. 15-28. DOI: 10.30838/J.BPSACEA.2312.260422.15.847

6. Vorobyov V. V., Shilo O. S. Architectural and town-planning aspects of Mandala. – Ukrainian Journal of Construction and Architecture. No. 6, 2022. – P. 28-44. DOI: 10.30838/J.BPSACEA.2312.271222.28.909

7. Vorobyov V. V., Shilo O. S. A new understanding of the foundations of the formation of the architectural and urban environment during the creation of objects on Earth and other planets. – Ukrainian Journal of Construction and Architecture. No. 1 (13), January – February 2023. – P.28-43. DOI: 10.30838/J.BPSACEA.2312.280223.28.916

1. Jacque Fresco, Victor Vorobyov. Designing the future. Architecture of settlements («Face to Face» series). – International publishing house “Awareness”, 2018. – 858 p. (Monograph).

2. Architectural-constructive and engineering-technical solutions of residential modules of the Lunar base. Volume 1: collective monograph / M. Savytskyi, S. Shekhorkina, M. Bordun [and others]; in general ed. Dr. Tech. Sciences, Prof. M. Savytskyi. – Dnipro: FOP Udovichenko O.M., 2021. – 102 p.

3. Architectural-constructive and engineering-technical solutions of residential modules of the Lunar base. Volume 2: collective monograph / M. Savytskyi, S. Shekhorkina, M. Bordun [and others]; in general ed. Dr. Tech. Sciences, Prof. M. Savytskyi. – Dnipro: FOP Udovichenko O.M., 2021. – 100 ISBN_978-966-323-228-7.


1. Basics of urban planning
The course is aimed at obtaining theoretical knowledge about the basics of the organization of settlements, taking into account natural-climatic, ecological, socio-demographic, engineering-technical, cultural, regional-planning and other factors, as well as the development of general plans of settlements depending on their status in the regional, national and transnational mission, as well as changes in society, economy, nature, demography, engineering technologies.

2. Scientific research and experimental design
The course is aimed at obtaining theoretical knowledge about the algorithm for conducting scientific research in the field of architecture and urban planning.

3. Architectural Design
The course aims to provide an in-depth exploration of architectural practices behind different themes. Students sharpen their design skills, urban spatial analysis, spatial planning and graphic modelling.

4. Architectural Planning and Experimental Design
The course will allow students to operate research mechanisms correctly, analyse the spatial structure of the territory and predict architectural and urban transformations in the process of its development, to apply the results obtained to solve necessary problems of urbanism, urban planning and architecture.

5. Master's Project Management
The course provides the guidance of students in writing a Master's thesis. Under the supervision, the student can demonstrate theoretical knowledge and practical skills of urban planning and volumetric planning design using the methods, principles and techniques in the field of architecture and urban planning.
