
Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Contacts and CV


Current research
Management of investment and building projects.

Past research
Improving the organisation of designing complex reconstruction of residential buildings in the full life cycle of investment and construction activities, taking into account energy modernisation and human resource management methods.

Expertise Summary

Substantiation of the feasibility of investment projects.


1. Structural Information Management of Production Systems in Construction / Iryna Arutiunian, Maryna Poltavets, Olena Bondar, Victor Anin, Fedir Pavlov. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. 2020. Vol. 9, No. 4, July–August. Р. 4794-4797. DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/87942020 (Scopus)

2. Effective Concepts of Harmonious Management of Production Systems / Iryna Arutiunian, Maryna Poltavets, Maryna Аchacha, Olena Bondar, Fedir Pavlov, Oleksandr Gerasymenko, Tetiana Kulinich. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. Vоl.21 No.3, March 2021.  141-144. DOI: (Web of Science)


1. Engineering and economic research on the preparation, planning and organisation of scientific decisions
The discipline is aimed at gaining knowledge and understanding of the conceptual foundation of scientific project management in the field of materials science. It provides knowledge of methods, techniques and tools of project management, in-depth theoretical knowledge of the concept of building project management, the principles of project activities of building enterprises, specific methods and tools of project management, in particular. Necessary skills to perform the main functions of building project management – planning, organisation and control, as well as adaptation and implementation of project decisions in practice.

2. Organisational design
Formation of future specialists' understanding of the conceptual bases for the development of new organisational structures and modernisation of existing organisational structures, acquisition of skills in analysing the internal and external environment, and making rational management decisions.

3. Organisation, planning and management of production
Formation of systemic knowledge and understanding of the conceptual basis of production organisation, mastering the skills of practical calculations of the main parameters of the functioning of the main and auxiliary production, service units in the conditions of different types and methods of production organisation.
