
Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Contacts and CV


Current research
Formation of energy savings during complex reconstruction of residential buildings.

Past research
Improvement of organisational and technological decisions for the construction and reconstruction of buildings.

Expertise Summary

Consulting at planning and organisation of construction.


1. Nechepurenko D.S., Pavlov F.I., Mykhailova I.O. Research of technical condition and methods of heat networks restoration in Ukraine. Bulletin of Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2019. № 1. P.72-77.

2. SedinV.L., KovalovV.V., Kravchunovska T.S., Nechepurenko D.S. Trends and approaches to reorganization of urban environment. Academic journal. Series: Industrial, machine building, civil engineering. 2019. Issue 1 (52)’2019. P. 179–184. DOI:

3. Kravchunovska T., Zaiats Ye., Kovalov V., Nechepurenko D., Kirnos K. Сhoosing the rational management of high-rise building construction projects. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. Vol.3, No.3 (105) (2020): Control Processes. P. 24–33. DOI: 15587/1729-4061.2020.205135 (Scopus)


1. Organisation of construction
Effective recovery and development of Ukrainian enterprises, their integration into the world economy in modern conditions are unthinkable without the implementation of new management mechanisms and the development of modern forms of planning based on the use of innovative methods of management and organisation of production. The successful solution of these problems today requires future specialists to have in-depth knowledge of objective economic laws and the specifics of their implementation at the level of enterprises, as well as thorough practical skills in justifying management decisions, planning, and organisation of construction production.
The goal of studying the discipline is the formation of system knowledge and the acquisition of practical skills necessary for solving organizational, economic and technical problems of construction and making appropriate scientifically based managerial decisions.
The task of studying the discipline is to study the theoretical bases of planning and organisation of construction, the organisation and conduct of engineering, technical and economic surveys, organisational and technical preparation of construction, development of work schedules and their material and technical support, operational planning and control of the progress of construction works.

2. Design, installation and reconstruction of buildings and structures in special conditions
The discipline is aimed at gaining knowledge about modern methods of organising construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures in special conditions, as well as developing skills in designing organisational and technological schemes for the main types of work on the organisation of construction or reconstruction of buildings and structures in special conditions, selecting optimal technologies, sets of mechanisms, shift work and number of workers in the organisation of construction in special conditions, determining the duration of construction work in special conditions.

3. Organisation of energy-efficient reconstruction of residential buildings
The discipline is aimed at gaining knowledge, understanding the conceptual bases and acquiring practical skills in the formation, evaluation, substantiation and choosing organisational and technological decisions for energy-efficient complex reconstruction of residential buildings.
