
Associate Professor (Dotsent),
Candidate of Sciences (Technical), Associate Professor (Dotsent)


Contacts and CV

Expertise Summary

Research of aspects of construction of highways and aerodromes, dynamical problems for the walls foundations.


1. Yuliia Balashova, Viktor Demianenko, Petro Sankov, Vladislav Lukianenko and Khadija Youb. New construction solutions and materials for panels of road pavements Innovative Technologies in Construction, Civil Engineering and Architecturе. AIP Conference Proceedings 2678, 020001 (2023); 15 February, 2023. (Scopus).

2. Ensuring the sustainability of the motorway subgrade in the zones of underground mining operations. Balashova, Y., Demianenko, V., Tkach, N., Karasev, H. Proceedings Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering – 2019, Berdiansk, Ukraine, September 3-7, 2019, Published online: 22 October 2019 (Scopus).

3. Demianenko Viktor, Balashov Andrii. Alternative pavements for roads. Proceedings of the fourth scientific-practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists of PDABA, March 27-28, Dnipro, 2023.-P. 346-348.

4. Urbanization and new tasks in architecture. Petro Sankov, Ruslan Papirnyk, Yuliia Balashova, Viktor Demianenko, Kateryna Davydenko. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 8 Issue 1, January, 2021, P. 281-288. ISSN2348-7968.

5. Methods of assessing the quality of life of a person in a modern city: Monograph/ Sankov, P., Gіlov, V., Tkach, N., Balashova, Y., Demianenko, V. -Dnipro: PDABA, 2023.- 245 p.

1. Demianenko V.V., Balashova Yu.B., Sharkun O.D. Patent for the utility model «Earth cloth on saline soils», Ukraine, No. 151833, E01С 3/06 (2006.01), publication 09/21/2022, Bulletin No. 38.

2. Demianenko V.V., Balashova Yu.B., Pocherenuk D.V. Patent for the utility model «Method of building an embankment on swampy soils», Ukraine, No. 152885, E01С 3/06 (2006.01), publication 26/04/2023, Bulletin No. 17.

3. Demianenko V.V., Kirichek Yu.O., Balashova Yu.B. Patent for the utility model «Method of building an embankment on swampy soils», Ukraine, No. 130093, E01C 3/06 (2006.01), publication 11/26/2018, Bulletin No. 22.

4. Patent of Ukraine for the utility model «Method of building an embankment on swampy soils» No.130698. Demianenko V.V., Kirichek Yu.O., Balashova Yu.B. Е01С 3/06 (2006.01), publication 12/26/2018, Bulletin No.24.

5. Patent of Ukraine for the utility model «Method of building an embankment on swampy soils» No. 125205. Kirichek Yu.O., Demianenko V.V., Balashova Yu.B. publication 05/10/2018, Bulletin No. 9.


1. Special course on design and reconstruction of highways and aerodromes
Methods of design and reconstruction of highways and aerodromes, including in difficult engineering and geological conditions

2. Modernization, reconstruction and repair and restoration works in highways construction
Modern methods and technologies of modernization, reconstruction and repair and restoration works of highways, artificial structures and other construction objects and the equipment used for this are revealed

3. Water culverts and drainage structures on highways and aerodromes
Water culverts and drainage structures used on modern highways and aerodromes during research, design, construction, reconstruction and operation are studied

4. Monitoring of the technical condition of transport infrastructure objects
Study of goals and tasks, components of the process of monitoring the technical condition of transport infrastructure objects

5. Transport and operational qualities of highways
Studying the transport and operational qualities of highways and city streets and developing measures to improve them
