Postgraduate and Doctoral studies Department

There are 2 Dissertation Defence Board for 5 specialties


D 08.085.01
05.23.08 – Technology and Organization of Industrial and Residential Construction
05.26.01 – Occupational Safety

D 08.085.02
05.02.01 – Material Science
05.23.01 – Structural Engineering
05.23.17 – Structural Mechanics


Postgraduate studies are offered in 5 specialties:
1) 051 Economics;
2) 281 Public Administration and Management;
3) 132 Material Science;
4) 192 Construction and Civil Engineering;
5) 263 Civil Safety.


Doctoral studies are offered in the following specialties:
1) 051 Economics;
2) 073 Management;
3) 132 Material Science;
4) 192 Construction and Civil Engineering;
5) 263 Civil Safety.

Address: 24A, Achitect Oleh Petrov Street, 2008a, 49005 Dnipro Ukraine

Phone: +38 (0562) 46-64-62


Sokolov Ihor Anatoliyovych

The Head of the Postgraduate and Doctoral studies Department

Dissertation Defence

Application documents for postgraduate

Application documents for docroral studies
